math sessions at the district convention 2015

Posted on: February 8th, 2015 by jnovakowski

This year’s district convention is on Friday, February 20 at Cambie Secondary. Three of our math mentor teachers are presenting sessions.

During the first session, Braunwyn Thompson is presenting a session for teachers of grades 3-7 about using technology to support student communication in math.

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During the second session, I am presenting a session about Number Talks, focused on teachers of grades K-5.

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During the third session, Michelle Hikida is presenting a session on mathematical inquiry for primary teachers.

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Weily Lin is collaborating with Asha Padmanabhan to present a session focussing on big mathematical ideas, intended for teachers of grades 4-9.

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We invite administrators, teachers and educational assistants to attend these sessions to support their professional learning in the area of mathematics teaching and learning.



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