transforming learning series – March 2015

Posted on: March 11th, 2015 by jnovakowski

This week, the consultants and coordinators (CNC…Richmond loves its acronyms) from our school district have shared a series focusing on the redesigned curriculum. Teams of teachers from each elementary and secondary school are provided TTOC release to attend these sessions. This is the third series we have had and is our district’s commitment to supporting teachers with awareness of the redesigned curriculum.

The curriculum website can be found HERE.

We present in teams and I have had the pleasure of working with Lorraine Minosky, literacy teacher consultant and Diane Tijman, district curriculum coordinator for ELL and Multiculturalism.

After an overview of the website and major themes in the curriculum, we asked educators the question:

What do we want the children we teach to be like when they are adults?

Diane led the participants in a Silent Chalk Talk as they recorded their ideas, then rotated and connected and built on to the ideas of others.

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This task always leads nicely into discussing the core competencies, a foundational piece of the redesigned curriculum. After a discussion of what the curricular and assessment parts look like, we broke into groups to look closely at aspects of the curriculum, in an EdCamp style.


We ended the morning with school teams having a time to talk and plan how they are going to move forward towards the redesigned curriculum – choosing one aspect to focus on.

Documents we shared during our session today included:

14-15 Transforming Learning prof learning

Curriculum Redesign Update Winter

Trans Curric Math Overview May 2014

Trans Curric Science Overview May 2014

Trans Curric Lang Arts Overview Nov 2014

Trans Curric Social Studies Oct 2014


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