Numicon resources

Posted on: July 28th, 2021 by jnovakowski

Numicon is a research-based collection of resources to support the teaching and learning of mathematics, published by Oxford University Press in the United Kingdom. Several research case studies can be found on their website HERE.

Numicon is based on the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) model of learning mathematics. This is also sometimes known as the CRA model in the USA (Concrete, Representational, Abstract) and are BC curriculum uses the language of Concrete, Pictorial, Symbolic (CPS).

There are teaching resources, both physical and online, student books and the materials that are called “apparatus”. I have been particularly intrigued by what are called the Numicon Shapes after seeing many twitter posts by Simon Gregg that include them.

An individual set of Numicon Shapes includes the numbers 1-10 as in the picture below.

A box of 80 Numicon Shapes is also available:

I have created some investigation cards to use with the Numicon Shapes.

There area also number lines and other tools available to use with the Numicon Shapes. One tool I have invested in is the baseboards which are great for creating symmetrical or “double” designs on or for visualizing and making 100 in different ways..

The Numicon Shapes apparatus can be ordered directly through the Oxford University Press website HERE but I have also found them available in Canada online through Chapters Indigo and Amazon.

A collection of free online resources are available through Oxford University Press HERE and I have collated some of them here:

We hope to have a district Numicon Shapes kit available soon through the District Resource Centre.


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