Here is a collection of elementary math resources to support schools and teachers as they develop continuity of learning plans as we plan for health or functional school closures here in British Columbia.
Download the one-pager here:
The weekly math plans from Spring of 2020 can be used as your daily numeracy component of 20 minutes in primary and for intermediate students, some extra online practice, a math game or a math problem could be added to develop 40 minutes of numeracy learning experiences. These daily time requirements are what we are using in the Richmond School District. Each district will have their own expectations and criteria for what Continuity of Learning will look like.
The SD38 Math YouTube channel has many math games videos to include in plans as well as many projects that students can do with materials they have at home. These projects could be something done together on Teams/Zoom and then shared with each other and posted on students’ e-portfolios. When creating Continuity of Learning Plans, we are being mindful that it will likely be TTOCs that are implementing the plans and the video links will hopefully support them. When planning for synchronous online learning experiences, I highly recommend using high-yield instructional routines such as Splat! and Number Talks to develop mathematical discourse, concepts and competencies.
More information on High-Yield Routines can be found here:
The following is a collection of ideas for primary and intermediate math lessons and routines using Zoom/Teams:
Please let me know if there are any suggestions or questions about how we can support each other as we begin 2022 not knowing what it will bring!