During Transitional Learning in spring 2021, the following document was created to support teachers, students and families in their assessment of student learning focused on essential learning standards based in number concepts, number operations, computational fluency and curricular competencies related to these areas. These open-ended questions provide students to show and share what they know – solutions, strategies, processes, representation and communication.
The following support document focuses on Indicators of Proficiency for all content learning standards in K-7 Mathematics in BC. Curricular competencies are embedded in the Indicators of Proficiency. This document is intended to support teachers in knowing what to look for and to make decisions for both instruction and evaluation based on what they observe and hear during classroom discussions and mathematical tasks.
The following district Numeracy Foundations Assessment tools were developed in collaboration with Learning Services staff and classroom-based teachers and school-based resource teachers as well as administrators appointed to the working groups. The K-2 Numeracy Assessment tool has been approved for use in district since 2019. The Grades 3-5 Numeracy Assessment tools been in place since 2022. The Grades 6-7 Numeracy Foundations Assessment document was created in collaboration with the SD38 Grades 6-7 Numeracy Working Group in the spring of 2023. There are also a Grades 3-5 and Grades 6&7 assessment booklets for administering and scoring just the mathematics foundations tasks.